Quality Enhancement Measures at UoT


Program Level Evaluations

Program Evaluation is done through Self-Assessment reporting process. All the degree programs being offered at the University are required to prepare a Self-Assessment Report (SAR) on the basis of the criteria prescribed by Higher Education Commission, Pakistan. Year-Wise SAR accomplishment record of the programs is maintained by the QEC.

Teacher Evaluation

“Teacher Evaluation” is conducted with regular frequency for each program at UoT Nowshera. Some programs have already done it for number of cycles and some have scheduled the same. The process of evaluating teaching is carried out through the Quality Enhancement Cell of UoT and it is according to the method prescribed by HEC.

It documents the progress of a teacher through their teaching plan, lectures, summaries, assessments conducted and student’s progress. This practice is very effective for professional grooming and capacity building of teaching faculties and administrative staff.

Teachers’ evaluation is done through the students, through Peer review, HoD review, and through teachers’ portfolios. The latest feedback results of Teachers’ Evaluation at each department are correlated with the previous feedback results for quality improvement. These results are then further compared with the next evaluation.

QEC-UoT has also implemented a very structured feedback mechanism where feedback is collected from the various stake holders, students, faculty, employees, employers, alumni etc. regarding course evaluation, teachers’ evaluation, their satisfaction related to administrative services, job etc. on surveys prescribed by the HEC.

Training and Development

This program focuses on training needs of the faculty and provides them with forums and channels for the enhancement of professional skills, such as English language learning, faculty development training in the fields of curriculum design, teaching as a profession, academic planning and management, learner’s psychology, assessment and evaluation, androgogical skills, communication skills and research methods and skills. The faculty development program is facilitated by a master trainer from the HEC, where a continuous system of train the trainer identifies faculty members who have exhibited education leadership skills to be trained; subsequently, they will re-create the training at the University level.

Institutional Performance Evaluation (IPE) by HEC and Self-Review

The Quality Enhancement at UoT Nowshera conducted an Institutional Performance Evaluation, as part of the self-review, in accordance with the external quality assurance mechanism of Higher Education Commission, Pakistan. The self-review of IPE was conducted at the Nowshera campus. Students and faculty members participated in the evaluation and discussed their concerns with the evaluators.

The review panel met the Vice Chancellor and all the HODs from all departments at UoT. A Review Room was prepared by QEC for the IPE Review Panel, where all the evidences related to the University Portfolio Report were placed. Laptops / Desktops with Internet/Wi-Fi facility were provided to the evaluators in the Review Room in order to facilitate the evaluation.

International Collaborations

QEC is actively engaged in developing collaboration and linkages with different international medical universities and colleges around the globe for the facilitation of students’ exchange abroad. This program focuses on identifying areas where international collaboration may be established.